Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reasonable People Jump in Lakes

I bet you've all been wondering if Ridley and I are still alive.
Never fear!
We had a very eventful and stressful Fall Term, but Winter Term was a bit better.
We braved blizzards, and then we jumped in a frozen lake because I am a Reasonable Person. I am so reasonable I get to be Reasonable.

Well, here's Ridley at the lake.

He's wearing my sweatshirt. I promise I didn't let him eat anyone.

It was an extremely frozen lake. Here is me in it. I'm on the right.

We did this to benefit The Special Olympics, because we are good people. I figure if I keep jumping in lakes, I'll keep bringing Ridley with me. Maybe I will put him in a plastic bag in the future, and he can come in with me.

Here we are after I was in the lake, after we got back inside. I was cold. I was fairly certain my feet would never feel warm again. Ridley was fairly certain my hair would never be normal again.

Ridley and I are both concerned about that fellow staring at the camera in the background. Uhm. Hi there.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A New Friend

So after get back from break, my friend hands me THIS.

His name is Mr. T. Sweet Cheeks.
He's a bit of a slut.

You know why?
If you punch him in the mouth...HE FLUSHES WITH PLEASURE.


He's a friend of Ridley's. We guess. We are unsure as of yet exactly how well they get along.
The best part is definitely handing people this cupcake and then instructing them to PUNCH HIM IN THE MOUTH.

Anyway, this is weird stuffed animal with a personality number 2 for me. I think I might need a collection. An army of bizarre, eccentric stuffed animals. Led by Ridley. Oh yes.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Oh jeez oh jeez.

(hysterical laughter)

Apparently some folks take me seriously when I anthropomorphize Ridley.

I think it's very funny, but Ridley is extremely offended that anyone would think I'm joking.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Sometimes, people say great things about Ridley. I haven't updated in a while, but people have said some fantastic things about Ridley. As they are a bit removed in time by now, some of this will be paraphrased, but rest assured that things went down pretty similarly to my memory.

Encounter 1: Ben

Part 1, CLOUDS
Ben hugs Ridley. "What...what material is this??" He asks, clearly shocked by Ridley's extreme squishiness.
"Isn't it just cotton?" someone asks.
"IMPOSSIBLE. This could not be mere cotton!" He replies, aghast. "This is cloud! Ridley is made OF CLOUDS!"

Part 2, MAGIC
Alicia looked up other squishables online, and was flipping out about how cute the shark is. I'll say he's adorable. She was, however, also insisting that Ridley was NOT AS CUTE. I was about to spring to his defense when Ben said this: "What? But Ridley is adorable. He's also MAGICAL, and therefore better."

Wow. Someone here really gets it!

Encounter 2: Tripping

Part 1, PURE
I'm in college. Sometimes people I know do crazy things. Sometimes people I know do drugs. Well, some people I knew were tripping the other day. They thought Ridley was really awesome and were hanging out with him.
Tripper 1: "Look...look at his mouth. I wouldn't want him to bite me. I wouldn't want to make out with him!"
Tripper 2: "You can't make out with Ridley! Ridley is a PURE BEING!!"

Whatever that means? I think it is a compliment.


So said trippers decided that rearranging the common room in the middle of the night was a great idea (and honestly, it was. it was a great thing to wake up to.)

They flipped over all the furniture, put a blanket over the fort, hung my two rubber snakes (Louie and Bowie) from the ceiling, and put crazy signs everywhere (such as "THE SNAKES ARE LOOSE")

They also put a quote on the quote wall: This is MY house! --Ridley
(I approve)

anyway, they also set up a kind of shrine to Ridley. This involved the one non-flipped piece of furniture, the couch. It was covered in empty boxes and in the center was Ridley, perched atop an empty 12-pack rootbeer box, with the sign "ROOTBEER BONER?!?"

I don't even know what the think of this.

This is a reenactment of the event along with Alicia of Actually, Alicia making what is apparently a "Ridley Rootbeer Boner" face.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Recently a couple friends of mine (Trekkie Maya and MLIA Sheena) suggested how cool it would be if I had a Mini-Ridley. Well, today at the free store I found some modeling clay, and several balls of clay and some triangles of paper later, we had MiniRidley!
Check him out.
He is the shit.
There is a fork for reference.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


when I am stressed I must remember to give my lovely Ridley more hugs.
I am hugging him extra tight just for all of you.

PS He is not suffocating. He likes bear hugs. He absorbs energy from them and turns it into mass. This is why he is so rotund.

PPS I guess he is sort of a lucky charm, despite the fact that was a mistranslation by our Frenchman Mr. Maury. A lucky charm OF LOVE AND HUGS.

Monday, January 25, 2010

effing hipster is prepared for British Columbia

so Ukulele Jake broke his glasses and walked into our dorm wearing ridiculousness today. The ridiculousness being his old glasses. I put them on Ridley. We decided Ridley needed some flannel and one of those goofy scarfs. Meaning that Alicia Cookies decided this. And so here is the Bigman, so much more than ready for Manfire to come and take him to British Columbia.
((ps, i thought everyone should have crazy names like Ukulele Jake. Not just him deserves this weirdness.))